It will not come Ultima Max dot come but from a generic business name. The packing won’t say anything about the contents. Keep away from children and prohibited to be used by persons under the age of 18.

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.ĭo not accept if seal is broken or missing, protect from light and moisture. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Go Ji Extract, Deng Sen Extract, Atractylodes, Cinnamon Bark, Dismutase, Cornus, Cuscuta, Dang Gui, Licorice, Condonopsis, Cordyceps Sinensis, Rubus, Panax Ginseng, Pueraria Lobata, Superoxide Dismutase, Proprietary formula.… For more information check our return policy Ingredients: You can return the merchandise if this is not the right product for you. If you are currently under treatment for ANY medical conditions, please consult your physician before taking this pill.Store this product in a cool and dry place.DO NOT take if you are pregnant, have high blood pressure, diabetic, or have any heart disease/problem.

For best results, take Rhino 17 Plus one hour apart from taking other supplements or medications. Rhino 17 Plus can also be used on a regular basis to maintain optimal condition of readiness before sex. Take one Rhino 17 Plus capsule one hour before sex to help energy, libido, and sexual performance. This product also comes in RhBlack model too.